14 accused of sorcery survive


OXFAM attended to 14 survivors – men , women and a child – of sorcery-related cases in the past five months.
According to a report released for the period from July to Nov 7, 13 cases were from the Highlands region including 10 females, two males and a child. The other survivor was a woman from Momase.
Oxfam gender justice programme manager Serah Chapau told a sorcery national action plan committee meeting in Port Moresby that the two men and their families lost properties.
“Of the 11 women, seven with their families and relatives suffered physical harm and violence and loss of family properties,” she said.
“Of the 14 survivors, seven are still disowned by their own family or community. Two families
have moved back to their community after a peace mediation process.”
The report stated that one woman died after being taken to the hospital. She left behind her three children and husband.
“One of the female survivors . . . was reunited with her husband in another safe location.”
Chapau said human rights advocates continued to be at risk rescuing survivors of sorcery accusation-related violence.
“Many times they were threatened by the community or family members and even accused of being sorcerers because they rescued survivors and raising awareness in the communities about sorcery,” she said.