Freeze on public servants recruitment: Kapavore

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THERE will be a freeze in the recruitment of public servants given the global downturn of commodity prices, says Public Service Minister Elias Kapavore.
But there will be recruitment only for professional and technical staff in the priority sectors of health services, teaching services, disciplined services and revenue-generating agencies.
Kapavore in a statement with Secretary John Kali said a circular would be sent out regarding the restriction on recruitment.
They will be strictly monitoring the attendance of public servants to ensure they perform professionally to deserve their pay.
“We wish to state that the people deserve value for money and that public servants are contracted to give a full day’s work for a full day’s pay,” the statement said.
“Therefore, the Government will soon be installing payroll-linked electronic time-keeping and attendance systems across the country. This will improve productivity and service delivery. In order to make this work for all our public servants, the Alesco Payroll System is being upgraded and progressively rolled out to the districts.
“This will enable the Government to provide payroll services in the districts and at the same time apply greater audit and control over provincial payrolls.”