Gamato concerned over delays in counting

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Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato has expressed concern with the counting delays in National Capital District.
In response to queries about 21 disputed ballot boxes for the regional seat, Gamato said he wanted to see counting completed as soon as possible.
Scrutineers expressed concern regarding the disputed boxes.
They claimed that they were being suppressed in the counting room and boxes were not verified by presiding officers.
Gamato said presiding officers were part of the process.
“My position is clear, counting is a process that must be allowed to be completed,” he said.
He said the boxes were the responsibility of the election manager and his assistant. Counting reached the elimination stages for both open electorates and the regional seats and declarations were expected today.
For the NCD regional after the 13th exclusion, incumbent Powes Parkop was  maintaining the lead with 39,512 votes, followed by Andy Bawa (19,494) and Michael Kandiu (16,332).