Gamato defends records, roll for Ialibu-Pangia electorate


Electoral Commissioner Patilias Gamato has defended the commission’s record and the roll totals for the Ialibu-Pangia electorate in Southern Highlands, saying there were no discrepancies in the rolls and the number of ballot papers used.
Responding to claims about the Ialibu-Pangia open,  Gamato said the commission has the final records of rolls used in the 2017 election for all the 89 open electorates and 22 provincial electorates.
“I must make it very clear to you members of the media and the people of Papua New Guinea, there were no so-called discrepancies of the rolls and the number of ballot papers issued for Ialibu-Pangia,” Gamato said. “The Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission has the final records of roll used in the 2017 election for all the 89 open electorates and 22 provincial electorates.
“Any other source document must be verified with Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission records before making wild claims and allegations of discrepancies.”
He said the commission records and the roll totals used in 2017 showed that Ialibu-Pangia has a total of 63,443 eligible voters registered on the roll and not 60,844.
Papua New Guinea Electoral Commission’s records of ballot paper distribution show that the Ialibu-Pangia open was issued with a total of 64,550 ballot papers. “Out of the 64,550  ballot papers issued, a total of 63,007 were used by the voters to cast their votes,” Gamato said.
“This leaves a difference of 1543 which were unused and are accounted for in the election returns of the returning officer for Ialibu-Pangia open electorate.”