Health Dept should seek help from outside


THE rank and file within the Health Department are simply inefficient in getting their jobs done.
Obviously, the top two heads aren’t communicating and it’s shameful to read of their conflicting explanations for the drug shortage in the country.
The Health Board drew attention to a key technical flaw within the sectors pharmaceutical division revealing a symptom of complacency by the department’s top-guns.
Funding is not the issue for this shortage so we learn, and so why aren’t the necessary drugs in-stock?
The nation’s population are sick to their bones about so many inefficiencies within the departments operations in provision of health care.
There is always a lack of something in the health care system all around the country.
So how is the department strategising to tackle chronic issues such as this lack of essential drugs that pops-up every six months or so?
Albert Einstein once said; “Insanity is doing the same things over and over again and expecting different results”, and I believe the department needs a radical shift in their management strategies if they want to see changes in their performance indicators.
If issues of ordering and stocking are the problems, then I suggest that the Health Department outsources those tasks to the SP or Coca-Cola companies.
After all, having sufficient amount of drugs at locations when the population needs them is what matters and that is where SP and Coca-Cola expertise counts.

Sapulokave, Via email