Not easy to practice theocracy in PNG


THE announcement by the leader of the Christian Democratic Party to integrate theocratic principles into our system of government cannot go unchallenged.
In PNG, churches and government are not compatible. Period.
A theocratic system of government is where a nation derives authority from a divine or supernatural source.
The nation of Israel is probably the first known civilisation to practise theocracy, dating back to the days of Moses.
In a land of 7000-plus diverse cultural groups, PNG had almost as many forms of theocracy pre-Christian missionary days.
Some are still being practised today, though.
Maybe the good leader wished he had come from the days of Moses, so he could lead some of those people all the way to the land of New Guinea and have theocracy his way.
Having said that, it is impractical to implement theocracy in PNG in the 21st century, considering we have diverse cultural groups and are now an independent nation, adapting the Westminster system of democracy along the way.
Not to mention that theocracy is somewhat of an intangible arrangement.
There are also a number of dangerous trends that can be set with the agenda that the leader seems to propose.
One can be that it instils in churches a sense of dependency on government for funding and support.
It has to be understood that Christian churches are larger institutions than state governments – the PNG government in our case.
While the good work of the churches is appreciated, churches should be cautious when agreeing to arrangements with political organisations or individuals.
Relatively, politicians are better-off leaving God’s work to churches.
