Police call for return of stolen ambulance


Ialibu General Hospital’s ambulance was stolen on Wednesday, district police commander Mack Hanema said yesterday.
Hanema said the ambulance was stolen at the driver’s house in Kogala village in the Ialibu Station, a kilometre from the hospital.
“The driver usually took the ambulance home which made it easier for him to attend to emergency calls when he was off duty, but while he was sleeping some thieves went in to his yard and made off with the vehicle,” Hanema said.
“We have been searching for the ambulance since, as it is the only ambulance that the hospital has and is used for both administrative duties and operational duties for the hospital.
“The ambulance is also used to transfer referral patients from Ialibu to Mendi Hospital.”
Hanema said the vehicle belonged to the people and served the people and he did not understand why of all the cars in the area, an ambulance was stolen.
“I appeal to the good people of Ialibu to come forward with any information that will help us to retrieve the ambulance,” he said.
“The ambulance is a government service provided to help you in times of emergencies and right now we have no ambulance to help transfer patients or attend to emergencies.”