Public servants facing big challenge


Public Service Minister Elias Kapavore says there is a big challenge for public servants to deliver services in the country given the financial situation the nation is facing.
“That’s why public servants need to be smarter in managing the limited funds to deliver services, especially in remote areas,” he said.
Kapavore was speaking  at the Institute of Personnel Management (IPA) at Waigani, Port Moresby, on Friday.
“We are challenged on how we can improve public servants’ efficiency and effectiveness. That is the question that is been asked to all of us. So we should not (ignore) this problem that has been happening for so many years. Let us look at ways and means to change the way we approach our learning, development curriculums on human resources.”
Kapavore said the name of IPA would  soon be  changed to  Pacific Institute of Leadership and Governance.
“I will be introducing the PILAG Bill in the next Parliament sitting. This will change the PNGIPA 1993 Act,” he said.