Query over tuck shop


TUCK shop businesses were banned in the 1980s as these were deemed as illegal businesses conducting trade of goods in the National Capital District.
Such businesses were unlicensed, were trading beyond regulated time, were trading unlawful products, were selling products in the black market or were doing business in areas they were not supposed to.
The tuck shop business is back again in the NCD.
Almost all of these business are now operating in residential areas.
One of the adverse consequence of this is that alcohol is now freely traded by these businesses.
Violence, rowdy behaviour, and loud music noise associated with alcohol consumption from alcohol sold by these tucker-boxes is now a serious concern.
Tuck shops operating along Pitpit Street of North Waigani, and especially between Telikom Compound and Boreboa Primary School, are selling alcohol to the public.
They are not supposed to be doing this as this is a residential area.
Relevant authorities and the National Capital District Commission must explain to residents of Port Moresby why the tuck shop businesses are back.

Concerned resident
Port Moresby