Sir J is a true leader, man for the people


THIS is in reply to “Victimised Public Servant” who wrote to this column last week.
The victimised public servant, a pen name of course, wrote to accuse New Ireland Governor Sir Julius Chan of refusing to work with public servants in the province.
This is not true as he made time available to meet with your PEA president, Watson Sole and Sole bluntly refused.
Sole then wrote a second letter to the Governor to present the petition and on Wednesday, March 15, and he will receive it, witnessed by his full PEC.
It is interesting to note that the petition was originally meant for the provincial administrator and since the half-baked, poorly attended first protest, you are now diverting to the Governor.
At the march, you said matters in the petition were administrative in nature and NOT political.
You and your mob of intoxicated and Tom, Dick and Harry from the streets (not public servants) staged your sorry march and it had no effect.
It was also interesting to note that those who marched are the unproductive public servants and former public servants who from public view, cannot cope and fit in with the radical changes, the good governor is making.
Your letter is arrogant and you clearly do not know have respect for who the head of the province is.
You think the political head of the province will go down to your level- you forget that you are a servant of the Public – the masses who give the Governor the mandate to run New Ireland.
So as a public servant, you work or leave it to the least of us who are prepared to work our guts out for the sake of New Ireland in the future.
The infighting you allude to among PEA and New Ireland Government are a figment of your imagination, PEA in New Ireland had been asleep for some time.
There are many other cases concerning public servants, it has never lifted a finger to help.
It makes people wonder where the inspiration is coming from – is it from those intending candidates seen at the protest march?
It is strange to hear from a victimised public servant that the New Ireland Government does not care
for its public servants as it has
one day dedicated to all public servants.
Public servants are being honoured for dedication and long service. Public servants enjoy other perks such as travel and training and are paid allowances when
administering government policies.
The work of the public service is to implement the government’s decisions and policies, no we in New
Ireland practice this in reverse, no wonder you feel really hard done when you are let go for non-performance.
There will always be some-one competent who can do your job better – as they say no one is indispensable.
To say the least, no one is stopping public servants from exercising their constitutional rights
but with along with rights and
roles come responsibilities and
processes we must follow by exhausting all means of arbitration
and not make threats about the elections.
For the records, Sir J is a patriarch and visionary leader- he has never made those claims but he has contributed more to Papua New Guinea and New Ireland than some of us will, in our entire life time.
The least we can do is respect him as Governor of New Ireland, voted in by the people.

Public Servant Too, Via email