Stop pointing fingers, start working together


OUR parliamentary leaders are pointing fingers at each other in regard to mistakes they made their term as the political representatives of the nation.
The fact is that we will never solve this problem regardless of who we send into the parliament after the general election.
Even if God fearing leaders are elected they will only trim down the corruption but cannot wipe it out.
Reason is simple. Corruption is part of sin problem and so long as life continues on this sinful world corruption will remain.
If people in all levels of life including our mandated leaders develop and master contentment in life, that is be satisfied with what they already had or getting.
We will see tangible development in the country especially in the rural areas where 90 per cent of the people are living.
Instead of blaming each other lets join hands together for the good of our country.
The last government has done a lot and how can the elected members of the 9th parliament continue with great achievement accomplished by O’Neill government?

Upisa Ala
Wau, MP