True leaders fight for their people, country


There are great leaders who stand for the rights of their people, who fight for the mistreatment of their people, mistreatment of the resources of their land, who will not sleep until justice is done for the betterment of every generation to come and his life.
In India, Mahatma Gandhi was one of their greatest leaders described as a man who did not  care for sexual pleasure, riches, comfort, praise of promotion but fights in he believed in.
In South Africa, their great leader was Nelson Mandel who said once for the sake of his people that he was prepared to die and sentenced to life imprisonment.
In America, Martin Luther King Jr was who fought for the social justice and legalisation of separating minority and the unfair treatment of the minority despite his wife and children being harassed for what he did.
Correct me if I am wrong, recently, I noticed in The National, one of the good leaders of PNG who believes in what he fights for.
Like Mahatma Gandhi, Mandela and King, he will fight until his people have their  justice and right, fight for those who receive unfair treatment of the  minority in their own land and live a community life although he is not of the calibre of the great overseas leaders.
But this leader is not our current Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, who has introduced the National Identity (NID) system which seems to me an implication for creating separation of minority and unfair treatment to our people.
That is in terms of “save man na meri’’ is discrimination. If once it is established, only people with the NID card will access government services.
What about our very own illiterate Papua New Guineans who are in the villages and are unable to register in the NID?
The NID is an obvious system of separating our own people – into people with NID cards and people without NID cards.
Prime minister, do you dream of dividing our people?
It is the prime minister who ignores the constitution of our country without any of these agendas being made at parliament before signing an agreement to establish a refugee camp at Manus Island. As a consequence, the refugee camp was set up.
Australian workers at the campsite raped our citizen in our own land and went unpunished. Are the constitution of our country and the citizens of this country a minority in the decision of our prime minister who  should represent their interests  and uphold the law of our sovereign state?
Despite all this, we have leaders who seem to do better.
One of them is  Belden Namah, who persistently, patiently and successfully fought for the refugee camp at Manus Island to be abolished.

Paul Gasoe
Port Moresby