A bold move by PM

Letters, Normal

The National, Monday 15th April, 2013

 THE Resource Owners Fe­deration of PNG 

would like to commend Prime Minister Peter O’Neill for taking a bold decision to take full con-trol of the PNG Sustainable Program Ltd (PNGSDP) and Ok Tedi mine.

The federation finds it difficult to understand why BHP continued to be in control of PNG­SDP and consequently the Ok Tedi mine after relinquishing its ownership of the mine.

Any prime minister elsewhere would have been astounded after be­ing told all these years that BHP has relinquished its ownership, only to find a decade later that it never left Ok Tedi at all.

We urge O’Neill to en­sure the funds are mana­-­ged by an independent in­stitution established by law for the benefit of those affected by the mine, Wester­n and PNG in that order.


Jonathan Paraia

Port Moresby