A rose by any other name?


We have a serious naming crisis in Papua New Guinea.
Something needs to be done as soon as possible before our identity disappears from the face of this Earth.
The Government has taken a blind eye and is not proactive in addressing this. This will most likely affect the NID system as well.
People are starting to call themselves names like John Mark, Peter Andrew and the list just goes on. Why is this happening?
We need to look back and see where our fathers came from and how they had their names addressed.
For example, if someone had the surname Wartovo, we will know that this person comes from East New Britain, Gawi from East Sepik, Kaupa from Simbu and Vagi from Central.
Let us be proud of our identity.
If you hold on to your ancestral names you will be unique in the world.
You will never lose your identity as an individual and or nation.
No wonder we have a lot of homeless people wondering on the streets of our towns who don’t know their traditional homeland.

Concerned PNGean