Act quickly, responsibly


DO not wait for it to turn orange and red.
Act on these two colours now – anti-coronavirus response: Government should not report on probable cases.
It should report on positive cases only.
Fear mongering will cause all sorts of problems.
Outcome to this reaction, some of it will be regrettable.
Yes, Covid-19 is at our doorstep. Our very close neighbours have confirmed cases.
Yet, our planes are flying to and fro to Australia and Singapore.
Powerful and ‘well to do countries’ in the world with their sophisticated health systems are struggling to contain this Covid-19 symbiotic to bats and snakes and now virulent to mankind.
Does PNG have a health system that is above these ‘well to do countries’?
Once the virus is attached at our borders and ports, the entry will be very easy.
The Government should not wait for the colour to turn orange and red before resourcing and effecting its anti-Covid-19 plans.
It will be too late. It is not a joke.
PNG has all the necessary combustible ingredients to cause a rage if a positive case is detected in Papua New Guinea.
Our urban towns and cities will be the worst hit.

Dr James Naipao,
National President,
National Doctors Association