Address Covid-19, postpone elections


THE Government needs to come up with proper health guidelines for next year’s general election because Coronavirus (Covid-19) is affecting many lives and is about to reach its worst state in the country.
Many lives will be at risk because of the political gatherings and activities.
The Government should consider deferring elections and focus on addressing the threat of Covid-19 first.
The election will attract so many people to come together to attend big gatherings and rallies.
There are many deaths in the villages where people are dying from shortness of breath and other Covid-19 symptoms.
The Government should plan to either defer the elections or find a proper strategy to combat the virus.
Whatever funding available should be used on driving more awareness into the rural areas where people can learn about the virus.
Covid-19 is here to stay and the Government should come up with plans on how we should live with it.
Many are not taking the precautionary measures seriously, which is why we are seeing so many deaths and sick people in our communities.
Covid-19 is destroying so many lives.
Unfortunately, some have died while others are fighting for their lives.
Preventing the virus from spreading and killing people is far more important than elections.

Timothy Hayara,
Former LLG President,