Address issues affecting people


THIS is an urgent request as part of the state of emergency protocol to Prime Minister James Marape and the SOE controller and Police Commissioner David Manning.
It is clear that one of the most important protocol requirements is to maintain cleanliness at all times within family homes and elsewhere, through constant provision of clean water supply.
This is clearly advocated throughout the world media and emanating from the World Health Organisation.
What is worrying however is, while the majority of the population are having access to clean water supply in the towns and cities, there a few minority population, especially within the settlements, that are struggling to access clean water supply.
Issue an amnesty or moratorium to Eda Ranu and PNG Water to reconnect water supply to those people whom have had their water supply disconnected.
If continued to be denied access to clean water supply during this critical period, these group of vulnerable people would easily catch this dreadful virus, thereby spreading it to the wider population.
This request should be considered on humanitarian grounds.
We should not just concentrate on lockdown restrictions, but address such issues as water supply provision to all people as it is an all-important requirement to addressing the Covid-19.

Lorenitz Gaius,
Ketskets village