Agency helps exporter reduce carbon emission


THE Market Development Facility (MDF) has supported Papua New Guinea’s leading coffee exporter to reduce carbon emission in its coffee value chain and secure better overseas market.
The Australian organisation is working with Sucafina, a leading sustainable farm-to-roaster coffee company to support climate change mitigation initiatives and sustainable business models.
“Through the partnership, Sucafina is developing a customised data template and calculator for quantifying the carbon footprint of its coffee supply chain – from smallholder farmer to export,” a MDF statement said.
If the project is successful, it will be made available to any locally owned exporter working with Sucafina.
It said greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide could be emitted at various points in the coffee production cycle, including soil preparation, production and application of fertiliser, transport, and power generation for coffee processing.
Climate change is now a major consideration for leading roasters and coffee retailers around the world.
The detailed mapping of Sucafina’s supply chain will help determine which steps lead to the most carbon emissions.