AGM to see 44 affiliates


THE Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League says 44 leagues from around the country are eligible to attend its annual general meeting on Feb 25.
Chief executive officer Reatau Rau, pictured, said the 44 leagues including 13 from Southern, four from New Guinea Islands, 16 from Highlands and 11 from the Northern confederates had met all affiliation criteria for 2016 and complied with the PNGRFL constitutional requirements.
“The 44 leagues have fulfilled and met all constitutional requirements and their presidents are qualified and eligible to attend the AGM set for Saturday Feb 25 at 10am at the Lae International Hotel, Morobe,” Rau said.
He said apart from the normal order of business where the chairman’s and finance reports would be presented, elections for a chairman and four respective confederate directors would be held.
“We have sent out nomination forms to confederate directors to distribute to their affiliated leagues.
“The nomination forms are numbered and marked therefore they will be hard to duplicate to send multiple nominations,” Rau said.
Rau clarified that each affiliated league could nominate their candidate of choice, seconded and signed by the nominee as set out on the prescribed form and the nomination would have to be returned directly to the his office.
“These nomination forms for the position of chairman of PNGRFL and director of a confederate must reach my office no later than 5pm this Friday (Feb 10).
“This is as per the constitution and must be strictly adhered to,” Rau said.
PNGRL affiliated leagues: Southern Confederate – Port Moresby, Moresby South, Motu-Koita, Papa (NCD), Koiari, Tauruba, Kemabolo, Gaire (Central), Popondetta, Kiunga, Wippie (Western), Kerema, Tei Kariko (Gulf); New Guinea Islands – East New Britain, Buka, Rabaul and Kimbe; Highlands – Goroka, Opka (EHP), Kundiawa, Kerowil (Simbu), Banz, Kimil, Minj (Jiwaka), Mt Hagen, Mt Hagen North (WHP), Imbonggu, Mendi, Ialibu, Pangia (SHP) Tari, Magarima (Hela), Wabag (Enga); Northern – Madang,Madang Unity, Ramu (Madang),  Wau/Bulolo, Atzera, Lae (Morobe), Wewak (ESP), Kainantu Gateway, Usurufa (EHP), Vanimo (WSP), Kesevaka.