Agriculture plan set for Sepik


EAST Sepik Governor Allan Bird says he expects to announce the Sepik Agriculture Blueprint by the middle of the year.
Bird made the statement as part of his New Year’s message to his people this week.
“By June 2020, we expect to announce the Sepik Agriculture Blueprint,” he said.
“This is a good time to start planning an investment in Sepik, especially if you call this home.”
Since he was elected to Parliament, Bird has been vocal on growing the economy in his province.
He said he was working on promoting private sector development in East Sepik.
“The work of Government is to facilitate for the private sector,” he said.
“The biggest private sector is our own people.
“We are doing that.
“We are creating the environment for opportunities to grow.
“We are living in a time of great promise.
“I encourage you to study the opportunities in Sepik and figure out how you can participate.
“The playing field is open to everyone.
“Only those with the discipline, commitment and the desire to work hard will succeed.”