Allow arms of Govt to operate independently


PAPUA New Guinea will change if the three arms of the government – the legislative, executive and judiciary – serve their purpose independently without fear of favour.
The legislative arm consists of the parliament, the executive arm consists of public servants and statutory bodies while the judiciary is the courts.
These are key bodies in the Government.
These three arms will change the country when they effectively carry out their task independently.
Today, we see corruption growing because what is supposed to be done is not done.
We want to see these three arms operate independently for the common interest of the country.
Sometimes people, especially public servants, see something wrong but are afraid to report it over fears of losing their jobs.
What is there for the future when we see corruption and mismanagement rooted deeply in this country?
At the moment, there is confusion about who is doing what because there is no sign of good governance.
Even taking back the Porgera gold mine will not change the country, it is only for money.
Papua New Guinea is struggling to manage its affairs because of bad influences and malpractices in the Government.
We need to focus on law and order by equipping the police and make sure the public service machinery is effective and working.

Joe Tomorop (Businessman),
Former Public Servant