Anger over students seen chewing ‘buai’


POOR punctuality, smoking of cigarettes and betel nuts chewing is becoming a daily occurrence in Popondetta’s schools, a senior government official says.
Sector chairman for education Herbert Isemba raised the concern that teachers and parents needed to lift their standards in discipline and punctuality amoung students.
His sentiments were shared with acting provincial administrator Trevor Magei and the provincial education adviser Maino Vegoli.
Isemba said teachers and parents needed to polish up with their approach to handling discipline and punctuality matters relating to their children and how they conduct themselves in school.
He made reference to the worst offending school being Popondetta Primary School where children attending grades five to eight were seen smoking, chewing betel nuts and casually hanging around the school gates after 8am.
Isemba said chewing of bettlenut in public places was a Summary Offence under the Summary Offences Act, section 44B (subsection 1).