Appreciate PM’s achievements


IT becoming clear that many Papua New Guineans are against Prime Minister James Marape.
I challenge the citizens to not be subjective in assessing the prime minister, let us be objective in the many historic achievements.
Let’s give some credit to issues that Marape is putting his foot on to free the country economic slavery.
Among the many decisions he has made, the citizens should be happy that the Independent Commission Against Corruption Act (Icac), which has been talked about for so long, was passed in parliament.
The previous government just approved the commission in principle with skeleton staff.
No one had the stamina to push it through, but the government, under Marape’s leadership, has made it become a law.
Another good thing he did is in relation to the Union Bank of Switzerland loan and the inquiry into it.
Let’s not forget the Porgera mine deal.
Did you ever watch a prime minister declaring for curse on himself and his children if he ever benefited from the negotiation for the new Porgera deal?
The Porgera revised agreement is significantly important, which the prime minister made a decision.
No politicians have ever tried it.
Marape did it.
The small to medium enterprise (SME) revolution and primary produce price support initiatives are another achievement.
Marape has started a green revolution.
If there has been funds misused in the sector, it’s not the prime minister’s duty to audit the institutions, but the programme he has set is the way to transform PNG and to take back the country.
Marape has announced major roads to connect PNG.
He plans to use these roads to enable our farmers to reach markets.
Then there is gender protection.
With Marape, women have a champion to protect their lives from abusers.
The parliamentary committee on domestic is gaining momentum to make real action plans to protect our women.
Women should be proud of this.
He has declared that PNG is friends to all and enemy to none.
He has welcomed both the West and China.
This country will not be used to fight their wars or advance regional power plays.
If we don’t benefit now, the next generation will.
Can we give him credit for above?

Koreken Levi

One thought on “Appreciate PM’s achievements

  • Why do we have to criticized then to appreciate? PNG is full of negative, no wonder we can not move forward, we will always dwell on negative. Everything has negative and positive side, so sometimes lets look at the positive side too.

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