Association working with women farmers


LAGAIP Poverty Relievers Association (LPRA) Inc is working with Enga Women in Agriculture Inc (EWIA) to maximise participation of women and men in the Laiagam district.
LPRA women representative Agnes Danis announced on Wednesday during the opening of Laiagam Farmers’ resources centre in Laiagam.
Danis said that it was a historic day for the women who registered their participation in the Rural Economic Development Phase 2, a project jointly initiated by the European Union (EU), National Agriculture Research Institute (Nari) and Enga Department of Agriculture and Livestock.
She said that through the partnership, their group received items such as spray pumps, seed potatoes, fertiliser and bulb onion seeds from EWIA.
LPRA’s public relations officer Maso Kaipu said the organisation was established well before other economic development projects in the district and they are well positioned in terms of project implementation, skills requirements and supply chains.
Kaipu said they had already cultivated five hectares of potato and one hectare of bulb onion.
Strawberries, cabbage, carrots and other vegetables are in the pipeline.
Kaipu said Laiagam had fertile soil which his group wanted to utilise.