Aust doctors come to pregnant woman’s rescue


AUSTRALIAN Doctors International’s Dr Susanne Leenders and her team were at the ready to help deliver the baby of a distressed mother on a recent patrol to Kungim, Western.
It was Dr Susanne’s first day on patrol when she came into contact with a mother who had been in labour all day.
The mother’s progress had stopped and it was clear that there was a rare malpresentation which meant that the labour could be prolonged or obstructed.
Because Dr Susanne got to the patient after 6pm, any option for referral would be available only the next morning.
Instead, she was able to consult the obstetric doctor in Tabubil and the decision was made to induce labour in Kungim.
Dr Susanne said: “We had good progression and good foetal condition until the last phase.”
Fortunately there was team of four ready – Dr Agnes Steven (trained in midwifery, nursing officer), Emma Drosnai (community health worker), Winnie Punai and Dr Susanne.
Dr Susanne and her team performed an episiotomy. The baby was successfully delivered but had to be resuscitated using equipment Dr Susanne had on hand from her doctor’s kit. It was a relief for all to be able to place the baby with the mother for warmth and bonding.
When Dr Susanne left before midnight, she was still concerned for the baby’s welfare. Fortunately by next morning she received a report that the mother and baby were fine.
ADI’s PNG country programme manager, Yaman Kutlu, said: “I know all our in-country staff are working so hard and achieving great things in each of their roles. It was incredibly uplifting for me to hear this story as it sums up the importance of ADI’s work for the improvement of people’s lives in PNG.”