Bad drivers on roads


I AM forced to write after an incident on the road to Gerehu, in Port Moresby, on Friday afternoon.
I have been driving since 2010 in Port Moresby and the Highlands and have seen a lot of reckless drivers who do not know or do not follow simple road rules, like keeping left unless overtaking.
They drive as slow as possible in the right lane without a care in the world, they drive around the roundabout on the inside lane, they don’t give way to the right as is required by the right-hand rule.
On Friday, a white Grande Mark 2 with a P plate was going at 20km/h on the left lane. Fair enough, I thought.
I was indicating to overtake when a silver older-model Camry came up on my right-hand side. I thought he was going to overtake the said Grande, but this lunatic slowed down directly beside the Grande at 20km/h, blocking off the road then both drivers started having a conversation.
No amount of beeping made any difference to these ignorant ingrates.
Police in this country are lazy and complacent about their responsibilities and most have bad driving habits as well.
Most expatriates are of the opinion that corruption is rife and the police have no intention of enforcing the road rules.
Yes, there are road rules, people, and until the police start to enforce them our drivers will continue to do what they want to do without any consideration for other road users.