Bad roads make life in rural communities a nightmare

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FIFTEEN communities along Arona-Amomonta, in the Gadsup-Tairora local level government of Obura-Wonenara, Eastern Highlands, want better roads, healthcare and education services.
Road conditions from Aiyura Station to Amomonta, Akuna, Ikana, Omora, Onanika, Sasaura, Arau, Kambaida, Kurangka, Tompendaka, Andi, Arona Valley and Kamanda to Yonki linking Kassam Top has deteriorated to an extent that people do not use it.
The other road from Omora to Apomaka, Biyuka and Kamanda linking Yonki Top is also in a poor state.
Yomunka community health board (YCHB) member Koro Iyama said the inhabitants were now using wheel barrows to take sick and pregnant women with complications to Yonki Health Centre.
“Worsened road conditions have forced coffee buyers and trade store owners to shut down because vehicles cannot pass through landslips and washed-away stretches of roads” Iyama said.
Iyama said PMVs going from Kainantu now drop off passengers and cargo at Aiyura because of the bad road road. People walk the rest of the way.
“People carry cargo and walk a day and night before arriving home, coffee buyers and trade store owners have shut down businesses,” Iyama said.
YCHB chairman Ayanti Biriba said the two other LLGs – Yalia towards Marawaka and Lamari between Okapa and Tairora – were also facing similar challenges.
Biriba said the Lamari and Yalia were only accessible by plane and that cost K200. Biriba said medical supplies could not reach Omora Health Centre and Akuna Health Post while students from Akuna Primary School were no longer going to school.