Ban alcohol in Jiwaka


THE call by Thomas Eling of Kulka village, Jiwaka, is timely following the fight between the Tongeiamb tribe burning 100 houses and killing of three people from Chimbu living at Sigri Mountain.
Relevant authorities within the Jiwaka government should control the sale and consumption of alcohol in the province.
The proliferation sale and consumption of alcohol over the last 10 or years saw law and order situation in Jiwaka gone from bad to worse and shows that this will not change.
Let this be a reminder to ward councilors and the clan leaders to keep about the social ills brought about by the sale and consumption of alchohol.
The various churches in our wards also need to be proactive in playing their part to disseminate information about the issue.
Alcohol has not done any good to the society.
It has brought about destructions and disasters into our villages as what has happened to the Sigri Mountain people. Alcohol consumption contributes to the deterioration of the welfare in our respective wards.
Most indulge in alcohol and cannot spare money for the school fees and the school uniforms and project fees.
Many school children in the wards are not attending school because their parents are unable to provide the necessary support for their schooling.
Children and women in the villages these days are drinking excessively and are always on the road looking for ways and means to continue consuming alcohol.
This culture of consuming alcohol has eaten into the fabric of our society and should be brought under control.

Walis Imbal
Concerned Educated Elite

One thought on “Ban alcohol in Jiwaka

  • It is very HARD to see and believe the people of Jiwaka taking home made beer (paiya wara) every where and at every location. Both male and female of all ages drink this stuff. There is no control by anybody, not even the police who are also part of the “paiya wara” party.

    Mi sem long lukim ol drink longlong olsem!!

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