Being perfect, righteous


AS Christians, we should know how to make ourselves perfect and righteous before the King of the universe, our Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus himself said that there is no other way to the Father, but through Him.
All the ways of Jesus were written in the four Gospels’ the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John in the New Testament bible.
Most importantly Jesus displayed love to all, good and bad as well so that we must believe in him alone to inherit the Kingdom (John 3.16).
Jesus further summarised all the Law of Moses and the books by applying these characters we will be one step closer to our Lord Jesus.
We must not be confused with all sorts of teachings, doctrines, and rituals to be followed, which were set by many Christian religious groups.
Remember when Christ comes He will select those who are pure in heart so be careful not to judge others.
If we control our mind and do not let negative thoughts intervene us, always pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit in all we do and live, then we live for God.

Joseph B
Mt Hagen

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