Better prices ahead for farmers


FARMERS nationwide may soon get premium prices for their fresh produce, agriculture secretary Daniel Kombuk said.
“An officer was sent to Indonesia to discuss with airlines to arrange a cargo aircraft to transport fresh produce from Papua New Guinea,” he told a crowd in Tambul station, Western Highlands, on Friday.
“This will help farmers get better prices for their garden produce.”
Kombuk said the cargo aircraft would be transporting fresh organic vegetables directly to markets in Jakarta, Singapore and other countries.
“Kagamuga is an international airport,” he said.
“The cargo aircraft will, therefore, pick up the fresh produce from here to their destinations.”
Kombuk said the Tambul-Nebilyer farmers were known for cultivating organic vegetables and would, therefore, reap higher from exports.
“Demand for fresh produce in towns and cities has grown significantly due to population growth,he said.
“Farmers are also urged to maintain quality for sustainable demand.”
Prime Minister James Marape said: “What Kombuk is telling you are all true.
“Farmers are set to reap what they harvest.
“The Government want its people to be economically independent and have enough to meet their daily needs.
“The Agriculture Department is working to engage a cargo plane to transport fresh produce directly overseas.
“Farmers are urged to cultivate their land and grab the potential opportunity.
“Be prepared to produce as much as you can to meet both domestic and international demand.”

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