Bishop stresses God’s calling

Faith, Normal

The National, Thursday 17th November 2011

GOD calls all people to happiness, Port Moresby Archbishop John Ribat says.
“Perfect happiness was in heaven and God was so good that he called everyone to share his happiness,” he said.
During a recent Sunday service in the nation’s capital, he said people might live good and holy lives but that had to last until the very end.
He said people “must live a balanced life and have a greater mission” to fulfil for the country.
Ribat said missionaries had begun the work of sharing God’s Word and it was the people’s challenge to hand it to others every month and throughout the year.
He said that had to be done within family units, communities, churches as well as others.
“We have a mission to fulfil,” he said.
Ribat said despite much disruption in life, people must continue to love God with all their mind and soul and to share that love
with their neighbours.
The day’s sharing was taken from the Gospel of Mathew 25: 1 to 13. Reiterating the parable to the church, the bishop read:  “The reign of God can be likened to 10 bridesmaids who took their lanterns and went out to welcome the groom.
“Five were foolish while the other five were sensible. The foolish ones brought no oil but the sensible ones took flasks of oil as well as their lanterns.
“The groom delayed his coming, so they fell asleep.
“At midnight the groom arrived. The foolish ones asked the sensible ones to give them some of their oil as their torches were going out.
“But they were told there was not enough.
“While the foolish were away to get some oil, the groom had arrived. Those who were ready followed him. The door was then barred.
“The moral is: Keep your eyes open, for your know not the day or hour,” he said.