Blast in Hagen a new era of threat

Letters, Normal

The explosion from the hand grenade that took the life of a policewoman and injured other policemen has marked a change in the history of PNG.
The explosion totally changed the atmosphere for all of us in Mt Hagen and the province.
Our pride to live and move around freely is now threatened.
The Somare government has never shown any care for its citizens, visitors and friends of PNG.
If it did, the guns culture would not have thrived today.
The government must understand that was not another criminal act but to show a new era of threat and fear has dawned in PNG.
It must understand that this is a new culture and it is here to stay if it is not addressed immediately.
The Somare government has failed to implement the Gun Control Act and the incident last weekend in Mt Hagen is a direct result of the government’s inability to act. 

Ray Krai
Via email