Bmobile launches new audio conferencing service

The National,Thursday June 16th, 2016

COMPANIES can use a new audio conferencing service provided by bmobile-Vodafone, saving up to 40 per cent of their conferencing costs, Group chief executive officer Sundar Ramamurthy says.
“It is something that we have worked on for over one year with Vodafone Global group in London,” he said during the launching yesterday.
“In Papua New Guinea for many years, whenever we have big groups or companies wanting to talk to other people around the world at the same time, what we do is we dial into a teleconferencing facility and the other country dial into the teleconference and we can all talk to each other at the same time.
“That is something that the whole corporate world has been using for a long time.
It’s important that we have a product that fits that.
“What we have done is join forces with Vodafone global to create the ability for the Papua New Guinea companies or anyone based here.
“The difference used to be that, when we use to ring a conference call facility, we would have to ring an overseas number – that means it was expensive.
“So now, instead of ringing a number in Sydney or USA, or Hong Kong, they can ring up a PNG number.
“So it’s a local call rate rather than ringing an overseas number.
“Conference calls happen every day by companies and business houses – many corporate companies.
“It took us time to make sure there is a local number in many cities in the world.
“I’m sure it is a product which the corporate market will certainly take because it allows them to save almost 40 per cent of their call cost.”