Bottle-collector Job hopes to become a civil engineer


JOB Dell Tom makes a living from selling empty bottles in Kokopo, East New Britain.
His father from Mendi in Southern Highlands and mother from Kainantu in Eastern Highlands had moved to Kokopo 30 years ago to work as labourers in the oil palm plantations.
Job, 27, was born and raised there. He lives with his parents at Raniolo near Kokopo city. Living with his parents is not a concern to him as he knows he has to support them by finding a way to earn money. There are also his younger siblings to think about.
He walks around collecting empty soft drinks and beer bottles which he sells to bottle collecting agencies.
“Life is hard and to earn a living, we must work hard. It does not matter what we do. I collect empty bottles. Other members of the family are also involved also in the informal sector markets to keep us going.
“Living in another province is difficult is you don’t have a job. I am from Kainantu and Mendi but the problem is I have not been to my home. It is best that I stay here in Kokopo.”

“ People may think I am stupid or crazy when they see me walking around collecting the empty soft drink bottles. But I do it to earn money and survive. I work hard at it. I don’t care if people call me names and make fun of me.”

Tom began his bottle-collecting business in 2016. He sells what he collects to the bottle collecting businesses every three months. He has saved K10,000 so far from his takings.
“People think I am stupid or crazy when they see me walking around collecting the empty soft drink bottles. But I do it to earn money and survive. I work hard at it. I don’t care if people call me names and make fun of me. I am happy because at the end of the day I have money to support myself. Nothing is free in this world. We have to work hard whether you are in the formal sector, in business men or in the informal sector. We have to put food on the table.”
He regards ENB as his home province now and plans to settle down in Kokopo. He is still single and will find a wife and start a family when he is ready.
His word of advice to young people looking for work is to find something to do to earn money. Not all jobs are well-paid but one has to start from somewhere.
“Don’t expect your parents to do everything for you but try to help yourself no matter what you do. And always think positively, respect yourself and on top of everything, trust in God in whatever you do.”
Job only reached Grade Eight and plans to further his education through the flexible open distance education programme.
He plans to save enough money to pursue further studies.
Further down the road, he wants to become a civil engineer. It is not impossible and he is working hard at it. He is confident that one day, people calling him names now because he is a bottle collector, will see him graduate as a civil engineer.
“I am looking forward to opportunities that come my way. I am always focused and I believe one day I will achieve my goal.”


  • good story to read, at least people are working to survive. he is not a lazy block. that is the mentally PNGan needs

  • Apo go for it. You are helping yourself and spot on. Sky is the limit. Best wishes in your future dreams. Cheers

  • Go for it Job. I collected bottles too for my school fees and uniforms. Nothing is impossible.

  • I salute you young man. Never ever give up. I was like you selling cans, bottles, biscuits, baskets, and cocoa, to pay for my educational needs. I am now experienced and qualified civil engineer. Work, work and work with focus and never ever give up. Trust God and he will take you there as long as you take the first step.

  • More such stories of hope should be published to encourage the bulk of our youths today who think that parents are answers to their daily living. I hope the national will maintain contact with Job and report on his whereabouts in the next decade. Very encouraging story.

  • Published such stories to inspire our youth for them to be reliable rather liability in our society. Thumbs up Man, you can achieve your dream with the right attitude you have.

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