Build road to take back PNG


ROAD is a major door that brings developments to rural areas.
Where there is no road, government services doesn’t reach people.
Since independence, many parts of Papua New Guinea lack basic government services.
People have been crying for services such as health centres, schools, markets and fundings for many decades till now.
Road is the basic service and government should put more money to build road links to all the remotest parts of the country.
Many times, services does not reach the rural areas because of road conditions.
When there are proper roads, other services would easily get in to help the rural people.
Some people who live in rural areas of PNG never taste rice and other store goods
A person from Mussa Valley would tell you that he or she eats rice only in town.
They would wear torn shirts and trousers every day.
They don’t use soap to bath.
For a person to carry a packet of rice to that part of the world is very risky.
I’m not only talking about Mussa Valley but all the remotest parts of PNG.
The same situation is all across the nation.
When will the government services reach those places?
Are we only concentrating in developing Port Moresby?
Who is going to help the very people who are in need of roads?
The Government should look into it.
The previous governments never did anything to rescue these people.
The government came up with a policy to take back PNG.
When you want to take back PNG, please take these people back. Build roads in rural areas so the people can have access to sell their products as well. a
The Government said land is money.
Culture and tourism is money.
Vegetables is money.
Everything is money.
But remember, where the market is.
How can the remotest people participate in the economy sectors?
To raise money for children’s school fees and clothing is another burden. Should we continue to let them live like that?
No, they are citizens of PNG and must have taste from the government.
We urged the government to prioritise on building roads to rural areas and take those people back to the light.
Don’t leave people is darkness.
Build road to take back PNG.

Lupzon Kenowai LK,
MausMahn Blo PNG