Bumayong Secondary academically on top

Lae News, Normal


CHIEF Ombudsman Chronox Manek last Thursday told more than 600 graduating students at Bumayong Secondary School in Lae that freedom comes with a price.
He was speaking as the keynote speaker during the 39th Grade 10 and ninth Grade 12 graduation of the Bumayong Luthern Secondary School (BLSS), in which a total of 352 Grade 10 and 257 Grade 12 students graduated.
“You as educated persons must know your rights and responsibilities and be able to demand them from the duty bearer which is the independent state of PNG,” he said.
He said people must acquire the right attitude to have a “fair and balanced quality of life for every dignified human person”.
The graduation also coincided with the United Nations Day on gender-based violence, human rights and universal basic education.
“The question of rights and responsibilities must first start in our homes, only then can we find the moral courage to extend the universal message for the promotion, protection and enforcement of our rights and responsibilities,” he said.
Bumayong, according to principal Gisuwat Sinivit, topped Morobe province with students scoring mostly A, B and C while only a few scored D and E.
“I must acknowledge that Bumayong has done very well academically this year,” Mr Sinivit said.