Call to abolish GG’s post


THE governor-general’s post is no longer relevant to PNG’s aspirations and should be abolished.
It is an imperialistic tool created by a ruling class to control the means of influence and capital dominion.
Why isn’t Papua New Guinea controlling the means for socio-economic prosperity?
PNG has been exporting gold, copra, and timber amongst other commodities since the early 1900s.
Why are our healthcare and education systems, infrastructures, and other social services still inferior and waning compared to those who have been importing, at manipulated cheap prices, our resources?
Why isn’t the Trukai brand selling at Woolworth? Or is Jonathan Thurston and the Cowboys’ ‘I love my Trukai’ slogan a marketing stunt?
It is strange that PNG’s billion kina entities, BSP and Nasfund, are not listed on Australia’s stock-market or the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NADAQ) for that matter.
The point being PNG’s superiority has been suppressed and oppressed over the decades.
The tools and agents of imperialism and sponsored capitalism calculatingly excruciate the process of undermining and corroding native independence, dignity, intelligence, heritage, and confidence.
They dangerously exploited our traditional determination and resilience to appreciate our race, land, and resources.
Like the virus, they were meant to be, infiltrated and weakened our intellectual defences and superiority to navigate challenges and leadership within our societies and country.
PNG continues to beg imperialists for development solutions while its people, land and resources get exploited, plundered and raped by monopolised capitalists.
Have we not emerged from the “yes master” mentality Sept 16, 1975?
Let’s be honest, democracy was sold to us in its current context, antagonises PNG’s traditional strengths (people, land and resource) and resilience to influence means of superior nationalistic values in a global community.
PNG must come out of its cocoon and take its place at the table, not fed scraps under the table.
Imperialistic tools, whether institutional and philosophical, must never subjugate PNG’s aspiration to be equal leaders in global innovation and influence.
Yes, PNG must secede from the commonwealth and abolish the obsolete symbol of the governor-general post.
We do not need the Queen; we need the pride and passion of the bully beef club.
Let us alleviate the shackles of imperialism, neocolonialism and monopoly capitalism.

Douglas Patiken Barara


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