Campaign houses a corrupt practice


THE campaign house mentality is one of the sinkholes during the PNG election.
I stayed overseas and witnessed the elections and I have never seen a single campaign house.
When Philippines President Rodrigo Roa Duterte, was elected, citizens walked over to the polling booth set-up, cast their votes peacefully and the entire election was done within five minutes.
Across the Philippines, almost 100 million people cast their votes and the central tally room automatically generated the result and declaration was done by the automated system without bribery, corruption, lamp flaps, alcohol parties, huge gatherings, campaign house, campaign mumu, dancing/singing, etc.
In Philippines, voters did not ask candidates for help with dead bodies, hauskrai (house of mourning), sports tournament sponsorship or any illegal activities practiced during the general election period.
PNG conducts campaign with so much money floating around.
Voters in PNG are engaged in evil activities and they voted leaders and these politicians turned out to be criminals within 18 months practicing mismanagement of public development funds and their administrators, treasurers and project managers misappropriate the development funds.
Once the development funds and Government Agency PIP Funds hits the Government departments, they don’t follow general orders and established procurement processes but entertain their own business network while the stupid voters who give them powers continue to suffer for five years.
In every general election, voters practise sorcery or sanguma and puripuri to vote politicians into Parliament who lack quality leadership attributes.
Even the entrusted Electoral Commission officers are the worst corrupt who facilitate the weakest election process.
We are known for the worst most corrupt election in the world.
So the overall growth of PNG economy is the reflection who the voters put into parliament.
The end result – the poor voter suffered for five years and then come the next election, the foolish voters continue getting briberies and the same cycle continues.
Papua New Guineans think their voting power is cheap.
Vote for quality leaders who can put people’s interest before his own interest and make the rightful decision in the best interest of the country to translate into tangible development for now and for tomorrow’s generation.

Koren Maso