Candidate must present policies and plans


I AM disappointed at how some candidates who are vying to unseat Justin Tkatchenko of Moresby South, and National Capital District Governor Powes Pakop present themselves.
I as a voter, expect to hear vivid and practical policies and plans presented with impact.
After attending several political rallies, all I could hear was typical co-wives jealousy and mere vanity.
Candidates’ excessive pride in one’s own achievements in education or business obviously played a part in ushering the rubbish out of the mouth.  My goodness! I am not only talking about the candidates, but their party leaders also joined the chorus, as well as making unrealistic commitments.
Albeit being an admirer of their creative campaign speeches with clear policies and plans for another term, don’t align me as a JT or PP boy as I am neither a personal beneficiary nor a supporter of these siting MPs.
While I am still yet to gauge six candidates (3 each from two seats) whom will share my six votes, I am appealing to candidates to present nothing else but their policies and plans.
SDilawo-South Sider