Choose success


SUCCESS is not a destiny.
It is a character to live by.
No one was born as successful.
Success is a choice.
That means everyone including you have a choice to be successful or not.
There are two types of people in the world today.
One type is called “spectator” while the other type is the “player”.
Spectators just live day-in day-out not doing much.
They just do what needs to be done to survive without using their full potential.
On the other hand, players of life’s game are only a few people.
These people choose to be successful and use their full potential.
Just like the game of rugby league, thousands are spectators while only 26 are the ones actually playing.
In life, it’s all the same.
Only a few choose to really sweat their way to success while everyone just sit and watch.
As a country, we need to step out of our spectator sets and play the real game of life.
What do you really want with your life?
We are where we are today because of our past choices.
We will be tomorrow what we do today.
It does not matter how many failures in life you have encountered, you are still a candidate for success.
The reason is simple.
Success begins manifesting itself in your life the moment you decide to be successful.
Therefore, it is important that you decide as early as possible what you want in life and spend the rest of your time working towards achieving that goal.
Nothing is impossible with God.
Look to your Creator to help you through.
All in all, success is possible for those who decide to be successful.

Glen Burua
Divine Word University