Christians urged to give to God

Faith, Normal


CHRISTIANS are encouraged to financially invest in God’s mission and to expand the kingdom of God through bringing more souls in the body of Christ.
The United church education secretary Rev Siulangi Kavora delivered this message to the members of the Sister Fairhall United church in NCD, last Sunday during the church’s end-of-the-year mini boubou.
Rev Kavora urged the congregation to keep on growing in their Christian beliefs and devote time to share the message of the Lord with other people.
A total of K19,750 was raised by the members of the five fellowships – Exodus, Hula Keapara, Raukele, New Gulf and Motu.
The money raised from this annual financial contribution will be given to the United church regional office which will be used for annual church programmes and projects for the growth of the church.
Rev Kavora said it was only through investing in kingdom of God that would lead to an abundance of blessings and encouraged them to give more through finance and devoting their time in God’s business.
He said that there were brighter times ahead.
“God will do great things in Sister Fairhall United church and the country, if they continue to serve the Lord,” he said.
It was also a fun-filled day with the fellowship groups singing prophet songs in their dialects, blending it with blessed gospel music from the youths.
Each groups also set up their stalls with colourful decorations and harvest from their garden produce, bananas, sugarcanes and yams were all put on display as part of the boubou celebrations.