Circular instruction for 2020 teachers colleges’ applications


EDUCATION secretary Dr Uke Kombra has issued a circular instruction to all the heads of teacher training institutions to inform them of all the important dates for the 2020 non-school leavers (NSL) applications and the processes to be followed by those institutions.
The secretary’s circular instruction No 12, dated July 5 titled Non-school leavers applications for 2020 states the processes that must be followed and the requirements that must be met by those interested in applying to teacher training institutions next year. Kombra said that the non-school leaver entry requirements must be followed, of which, the institutional vetting committee is expected to do preliminary vetting and verify vital credentials that include: grade 10 and 12 certificates from recognised secondary schools and matriculation centres.
He highlighted that a candidate had to have left school after 2015, and needed a minimum grade point average (GPA) of 2.4 or higher with Bs in English and Mathematics.
“For matriculating students, only official certificates that are signed, stamped and issued by the matriculating institution will be accepted,” he said.
“The vetting committee will only accept candidates who have met those requirements.”
The following schedule for non-school leavers vetting and selection must be strictly adhered to and complied with by all heads of the institutions.
NSL selections are also scheduled in the education calendar to avoid unnecessary delays.
Kombra urged all heads of institutions to forward to teacher education division their student intake quotas for school leavers (Department of Higher Education Research, Science and Technology) and NSL in order for the department to endorse the required number of students.
The circular instruction also stated that the Education secretary was the only authority who would endorse the final NSL acceptance list and notify the heads of the institutions of the successful candidates for 2020.
Kombra said the NSL endorsed list for all institutions would be advertised in the print media.

July 26 – Closing date for NSL application forms;
Aug 19-23 – preliminary vetting at TIC;
Sept 9-13 – 2nd vetting at teacher education division;
Nov 22 – secretary’s endorsement of NSL; and,
Dec 6 – publication of 2020 NSL acceptance list.


  • In regards to the phrase,some of the newly established colleges were not register as online selection acception and now we are allowed to apply as filling a application form.In the case of applying to that school,we are not able because we a school lever not that non school lever why.??

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