City’s lip service is of no help at all


I have read with amusement that Port Moresby intends to recruit 900 young men and women for the Under-20 Women’s Soccer World Cup next month.
It seems that Port Moresby gets all the jobs and the rural area gets none.
It is a pity that no one in Port Moresby has considered our national team or even cares about them or knows that they are based in Goroka, Eastern Highlands.
Without the generous support of the gaming board, Bire Kimisopa, Pacific Helicopters, Pacific Gardens Hotel and Goroka Grammar School there would be no team.
Their American coach has not been paid for months but still buys out of her own money water for the girls, there are numerous bills to be paid and the team is only surviving with a few sponsors who have bought soccer boots, had track suits made and assisted in many areas as the team  has run out of money.
It is the Goroka community that has provided leadership and managed to get the girls bonded which is important for any team.
Although there is no Eastern Highlander in the team, the girls are so impressed with the community that they have publicly requested that they remain in Goroka.
We all know that the citizens of Papua New Guinea are supportive of the team and I urge the Sports Minister to forget Port Moresby for only a day and make contact with the national team and not wait until they enter the Port Moresby stadium.
It is his responsibility to travel to the Eastern Highlands and provide the team with the encouragement they richly deserve.
Mal Smith-Kela,