Civil Registry office lacking manpower

Main Stories, National

The National, Wednesday November 6th, 2013


THE Office of Civil Registry says it needs more manpower to sort out the huge backlog of incomplete files in the past two years.

Registrar-general Augustus Wagambio blamed this on the lack of manpower, equipment and financial support from the Government. He is appealing to the Government to support the office. 

He said the office badly needed resources to carry out its work and improve its systems. 

He said since the establishment of the office in 1982, not much recognition had been given to it. This resulted in poor record-keeping and outdated database of citizens. 

“The Civil Registry Office does not guess. It records all information of a person,” he said.

“And at the moment we have a backlog of incomplete files that are dated two to three years back. That is because we have a shortage of manpower, lack of financial support and no proper workstations and computers to do our work. 

“The civil registry office is an important office in the country that needs government support. We need to do our work diligently and keep record of our people and citizens.”

Wagambio said up to 300 people showed up at the office on Tuesdays and Thursdays to enquire about their registration applications. 

He said there were 11 permanent staff and 30 casuals employed who could not cope with the workload.

The office comes under the Department of Community Development whose Minister is Lae MP Loujaya Kouza.