Column 1

Column 1

We’ll pay
The nonchalant attitude towards the deadly coronavirus pandemic, treated with disdain even, will cost the nation millions. You watch. Our ports of entry, according to a source, are not fully prepared or equipped right now to effectively deal with inbound travelers.
Plea for help
The United States is hiring an aircraft to evacuate its citizens living in Wahun City. Hopefully Ancilla Dalai and the 20 PNG students there will be assisted as soon as possible too by our government.
It’s unfair
The smallest denomination we have is the 5toea coin. The 1t and 2t coins went out of fashion in 2006. It should mean that prices of goods must be in multiples of five. But some items in shops are marked, for example, K7.43, K18.97. You therefore pay K7.45 and K19. It’s cheating, for want of a better word.
Different taste
From a reader: A man will pay K2 for a K1 item he needs. A woman will pay K1 for a K2 she does not need but it’s on sale.
Divided loyalty
The morning church service ended a bit early last Sunday – 11.30am instead of after 12. And everyone seemed to be hurrying home. Wait, a game was scheduled for 11.57am which everyone needed to watch.
Babies galore
British mum Imogen, 30, has had eight children in the past 10 years. Quite a handful already but she and husband Peter, 52, aim to have 10 by the time she turns 35. They live in Norfolk and spend around K4,000 a month on food and K5,000 a year on birthday gifts. Big load.
Thought for today
A lie is like a painkiller. It gives instant relief, but has side-effects forever.
Top quote
“If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it. If you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.” – Dalai Lama