Column 1

Column 1

Baby boom
If everyone is forced to stay indoors during the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, it is expected that there will be a baby boom nine months down the road. All the babies will be called coronials.
No trips
Good to see a blanket ban on overseas travel for public servants and cabinet ministers for at least two months. A lot if savings there.
Leave gone
Colleague planning to go on a two-week leave to New Zealand is worried that he has to observe the 14-day quarantine when he arrives. That’s his leave gone.
Attention seeker
Man sneezed in the bank and was so happy to see that it was the most attention he had received from the bank staff in the past 10 years.
Faith healers
At a time when the world needs the “cults” that proclaim the ability to cure the sick, the lame and the mentally or physically infirm, the so-called “faith healers” seem to have all disappeared.
Power struggle
So much “whisperings” in the corridors of power about power struggles and such. This corona virus has really bred mistrust, anxiety and suspicion.
Top quote
“Other countries have closed their borders and restricted flights. They have the luxury to do so because they have a bigger and a stronger economy. Covid-19 is not just a health issue but also a social and economic issue affecting the country’s economy.”
– Prime Minister James Marape.