Column 1

Column 1

NZ moving
New Zealand is moving to Level Two on Thursday in its Covid-19 lockdown exit plan. Everything else is allowed to reopen – except bars and clubs. Makes sense.
Keep away
This is the real definition of social distancing.
Too late
From a reader: By the time the superfunds can allow me to withdraw my savings next month, me and my family would already have died of hunger and malnutrition.
Full bus
Colleague travelling on a Route 16 bus yesterday morning to Gordon in Port Moresby counted 27 passengers in the vehicle which, according to national emergency rules, should only be 15. He may have missed the lifting of the restrictions.
Bus fare
Colleague gave a K2 note for his bus fare yesterday morning from Eight-Mile expecting a 50t change. He was given a K1change which means the reported increase was fake news.
Missing flag
The old tattered national flag hanging out the Gordon police station in Port Moresby has finally being removed. We had suggested last week that it be replaced. Hopefully soon too. It’s such a vital national symbol.
Carrot’s good
Mum tells children to eat carrots to improve their eyesight. When she got questioning looks around the dining table, she quickly offers: “Have you ever seen a rabbit wearing specs?”
Food for thought
The most dangerous animal in the world is a silent smiling woman. – Anonymous
Top quote
“Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.” – Former British PM Sir Winston Churchill.