Column 1


Not fake news
So there was after all a plan to reshuffle Cabinet which the PM’s office denied last week. Well, he is the boss and the one who makes the decisions.
Shameful act
Colleague watched two burly cops alight from their vehicle opposite the Boroko market last Saturday afternoon and slapped an old lady selling buai outside a shop. That’s called assault and police brutality. Shame.
Power cuts
The intermittent power cuts in the capital city are back. Under the national emergency laws, anyone disrupting an essential service can be charged with a crime.
Ardent fan
Ardent rugby league fan is counting the days to the resumption of the NRL competition next week. Right now he does not care what new format it takes, he just wants to watch live matches – and cheering for his Melbourne Storm team.
Long wait
The long wait continues – for laid-off people to withdraw their retirement savings from their superfunds. It has been now nine weeks. Pity it is their own money which they cannot withdraw immediately.
Honest driver
The story of the man driving for a big taxi company in Port Moresby who returned valuables belonging to a female passenger left behind in the back seat has received so many “likes” on social media. A good and honest man.
Food for thought
No one hides pain better than a parent who is trying to stay strong for the children.
Top quote
“When people walk away from you, let them go. Your destiny is never tied to anyone who leaves you. And it does not mean that are bad people. It just means that their part in your story is over.” – Actress Julia Roberts