Column 1

Column 1

No questions
Prime Minister James Marape tells reporters his government, unlike previous ones, allows media freedom to be enjoyed to the fullest today. Then he left saying he was not taking questions.
No pay
Colleague at the head of the queue arrived at the cashier and told her he would pay for the grocery of an elderly lady and a little girl behind him at a major supermarket in Port Moresby last Saturday. Grandma said “God bless you” and left. Then the power went off. The cash register crashed, lost the record of everything they had taken. Poor cashier was distraught.
Photo ops
Shame on leaders who deliberately organise events as photo opportunities for self-promotion and image-marketing.
Travel plans
A lot of travel plans have been torn up as the restrictions on international flights continue.
Axe to fall
Leader of Government Business in Parliament Rainbo Paita had warned us to expect changes this week. The axe is going to fall, starting with the “non-performers” holding high positions.
Namah’s record
From a reader: Future Opposition Leaders must be as fiery and vocal as Vanimo-Green MP Belden Namah. He has set the benchmark. Democracy needs more MPs such as him.
Missy Kwin
Missy Kwin is back on her horse as she slowly makes her way back into public after her Covid-19 lockdown at Windsor Castle. However she will be spending time alone at the castle with Prince Philip as PNG and Commonwealth nations celebrate her 94th birthday this weekend.
Thought for today
Respect people’s privacy. Don’t ask them why they are still single, when they are going to have a baby, why they are separated or divorced, why they are out of a job, why they do not go out anymore. Unless they want to share it with you, it’s none of your damn business.
Top quote
“Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they can’t lose it.” – Bill Gates