Column 1

Column 1

Saving cost
Bosses used to travel to attend seminars, sometimes for days on end, which relate to their area of work. Thanks to the Covid-19, everyone is having webinars (seminar on the internet) without having to leave their offices. What a huge cost-saver.
Unagi Oval
Not only the buses but the vendors also have moved to the Unagi Oval in Port Moresby to conduct their business. All for free. Are they taking business away from the new K16million Gordon Market?
Central station
From a reader: City Hall wants to over the running of education in Port Moresby but cannot even provide a central bus station for the people in the capital city. Shame.
Mistaken identity
A Chinese man declared dead by medics and cremated shocks his family when he returns home alive after the hospital mistook him for another patient.
Say No
Wise advice for girls: Rejection can be protection.
Tattoo debate
Son told mother that he wanted to get a tattoo. “That’s the mark of the devil,” was the response from mother.
No work
Australian PM Scott Morrison is urging people to return to work. Many employers are finding it hard to get employees back because they would rather stay at home and enjoy the unemployment benefits, which is more than their wages at work.
Absurd note
What was this car owner thinking when he had this printed on his car door? Masks are more important.
Thought for today
Money can buy a clock but not time, money can buy a bed but not sleep, money can buy a house but not a home, money can buy a position but now respect, it can buy a book but not knowledge. So you see, money cannot buy everything.
Top quote
“I failed in some subjects in exam, but my friend passed in all. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft, and I am the owner.” – Bill Gates